Fusion Capital


Last updated: November 16, 2023

Bourse Securities Ltd™ is the holding company of UAB Fusion Capital in the UK. Bourse Securities Ltd™ is a Registered Trademark.

Bourse Securities Ltd™ is a UK company, located in 4 Old Park Lane, London, England, W1K 1QW, with registration number 13044424

UAB Fusion Capital, and the domain name fusioncapital.io has passed PCI compliance and vulnerability scan. Please see more information here and here

UAB Fusion Capital is a Lithuanian company, located in Lvovo 25 – 104, LT-09320, Vilnius, Lithuania, with registration number 305892385. UAB Fusion Capital has an ACTIVE entity status and an ISSUED LEI code. The Legal Entity Identifier code of UAB Fusion Capital is 254900IUSIT1V0XYK384

UAB Fusion Capital is authorized to provide virtual cryptocurrency exchange services for commercial purposes. UAB Fusion Capital is authorized by the Financial Crime Investigation Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (FIU) to conduct cryptocurrency exchange services with registration number 14194. UAB Fusion Capital (c/c 305892385) staff is responsible for the implementation of money laundering and/or terrorist financing prevention measures specified in the Lithuanian Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and for liaising with the Financial Crime Investigation Service (registration No. 14194).
Financial Crime Investigation Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, located in Sermuksniu str. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania. More information on http://www.fntt.lt/lt/